Travis County currently offers a pilot program for people with a second DWI arrest within two years of the first arrest or conviction for DWI. It accepts about ten clients each month.
The guidelines for eligibility are:
1. Resident of Travis County or an adjacent county if defendant can meet the intensive reporting and treatment requirements;
2. DWI-2d or subsequent arrest within 2 years of first arrest or conviction;
3. No victim;
4. No unresolved holds or warrants from other jurisdictions;
5. No unresolved pending cases (at the time defendant enters program); and,
6. Criminal history will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, general guidelines are:
No felony DWI prior;
No violent criminal history;
No prior history of stalking or violation of protective order charges; and,
No criminal history unrelated to alcohol/substance abuse.
The Court is actually a probation caseload, with the cases being transferred to Judge Elisabeth Earle for plea and supervision. Incentives for participation include reduced or completely probated fines and community service hours; potential minimum jail time when required by law; occupational drivers licenses where available; and a better opportunity for participants to get a handle on their drinking than with regular probation.
Participants have intensive treatment, frequent contact with their probation officer, and appear regularly before the Court with a progress report.
The Court is designed to assist people who wish to have help with their drinking problem. |