What Our Clients Say - Testimonials

Case Outcomes

Charge: Assault on a Public Servant, 3rd Degree Felony
Result: Felony dismissed

Client was charged with whipping his 8th grade teacher in the back with a belt.  We immediately contacted the teacher and learned that she had not wanted the case prosecuted, but only wanted our client to be informally disciplined at school for inappropriate behavior.  As it turned out, our client was one of her favorite students and they had had a very close, almost informal relationship whereby they would do a lot of joking around.  Just prior to the incident, our client and the teacher had been joking around and our client, being a typical 12-year old boy, got a little carried away and accidentally snapped her in the back with a belt.  The teacher thought that this was inappropriate so she reported it to the school principal with the hopes of him just getting talked to by the principal.  Instead, the principal called the police which ultimately ended up with our client being charged with this felony offense.  After speaking with the teacher, we were able to set up an informal meeting between myself, the teacher and the DA.  Through that meeting, and the addition of numerous character and reference letters we obtained on behalf of our client, we were able to get all charges dismissed.

Charge: Indecent Exposure
Result: Jury Trial - Not Guilty

While client was at the drive through lane at a local bank, two tellers thought they saw him expose his genitals. They were absolutely mistaken, but this presented a classic case as to why we have jury trials. Through co-counsel’s dogged investigation (measuring the angles and tint from the teller window), we argued and the jury believed that they could not have been able to see his genitals as he was seated in the car. Client was acquitted (in Williamson County, of all places) and the arrest was permanently removed from his record.

Charge: Motion to Revoke Felony Probation
Result: Client successfully continued on probation with no arrest and no jail time for the violation

Client was on 10 years felony probation for a drug offense. While he had been doing well on probation, after going through serious marital problems, he ended up using drugs one evening. On his next visit to his probation officer, he tested positive for drugs and his probation officer told him they would be issuing a motion to revoke his probation. The client came to our office in a panic because subsequent to his positive drug test, things had actually been going a lot better for him. He had a great and stable job and he was in the middle of resolving issues and reconciling with his wife; going to prison would destroy everything. Once he retained us, we immediately coordinated with a private drug rehabilitation program and helped to get him in enrolled. Simultaneously, we went to the court and met with the Judge and convinced him not to sign the warrant to have our client arrested but rather, to let him appear in court on his own so we could explain everything to the judge without having our client be in jail (even though this was the second time the State was trying to revoke his probation). At the next court setting, we provided the judge all of the confirmation of our client’s rehabilitation program. The judge reset the case to see if our client could successfully complete his program and when we next appeared in court and showed proof of successful completion, the judge continued our client on probation.

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© 2008 Sumpter & Gonzalez , L.L.P., 206 East 9th Street, Suite 1511, Austin, TX 78701 - T: 512- 381-9955 | F: 512-485-3121