What Our Clients Say - Testimonials

Case Outcomes

Charge: Motion to Revoke Probation
Result: Client Successfully Discharged from Probation

Client was on probation for DWI. Client was charged with failing to adhere to conditions of probation, specifically, failing to complete community service, failing to pay monthly fees, and failing to report to his probation officer. We obtained proof of client’s fee payments and provided documentation of client’s hospital stay for in-patient treatment for bi-polar disorder and drug abuse which prevented him from meeting with his probation officer. Client was successfully discharged from community supervision.

Charge: Minor in Possession
Result: Case Dismissed

Our client was an Honors UT student and was at a party. The police were called and they arrested everybody that was underage without doing a thorough investigation. Our client, who was under 21, had never been a drinker, nor was she drinking that night. Even though the prosecutor was offering a deferred disposition, our client did not want to plead guilty to something she was not guilty of. The case was dismissed before trial.

Charge: Appeal
Result: Reversed & Judgment of Acquittal rendered

Client was found guilty after a jury trial for criminal mischief for smashing out windows of a car in a foolish display of anger. Client was very concerned about having a criminal conviction on her record because she was applying for a job with the IRS. After drafting and submitting an appellate brief on her behalf, the State, in its reply brief, conceded error and asked the Third Court of Appeals to reverse her conviction and render a judgment of acquittal, which it did. (Note: this rarely happens)

Charge: Burglary of Habitation
Result: Case Dismissed

Our client was accused of breaking into a outdoor area of a restaurant and stealing merchandise.  After doing legal research on what constituted a “building” we were able to find caselaw that supported our position that the area our client was accused of going on to was not considered a building under the statute.  The DA agreed and dismissed all the charges.

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© 2008 Sumpter & Gonzalez , L.L.P., 206 East 9th Street, Suite 1511, Austin, TX 78701 - T: 512- 381-9955 | F: 512-485-3121