Charge: Assault on a Police Officer
Result: Case Dismissed after Successful Completion of Deferred Prosecution
Client and three of his friends were coming from a bar on 6th St. and ended up getting involved in a rather large scuffle with two undercover police officers. The two central issues were: who started the fight, and whether or not one of the police officers really shouted “POLICE!” and showed his badge as was disputed by witness statements. A tremendous amount of investigation went into this case, including subpoenaing all of the police records, witnesses, officers, personnel files, etc. The City Attorney had tried to quash our subpoenas and the Attorney General had not initially allowed for the release of a lot of information. However, we were successful in getting all of the records released and found that the officer involved had a history of excessive force. In addition, there were hospital records that showed that some of the injuries the police officer claimed to have sustained were not true, as well as being able to find the other witnesses and bringing to light conflicting stories. The hardest issue was disproving numerous witnesses who said that our client threw the first punch. It took a large amount of time re-enactment the fight with witnesses to show that it would have been impossible for the fight to have happened in the way that these witnesses said. We were able to explain our case in depth (with charts and diagrams) before trial commenced. On the morning of trial, the case was resolved.
Charge: Assault Family Violence
Result: All Charges Dismissed
Our client, who was a PhD student at UT, was accused of assaulting his live-in girlfriend. A conviction for this type of offense would have ruined his career, as he had an outstanding job offer to be a university professor at an out-of-state university. We immediately contacted our client’s girlfriend and spoke with her at length. She did not want the case prosecuted but thought that our client needed some anger management and alcohol classes. We also got character letters from our client’s PhD professors and had our client submit his resume. We then approached the prosecutor with the statement from our client’s girlfriend, as well as the letters from his PhD professors and his resume. We also brought proof that our client had been attending AA and had already begun addressing his drinking problem. Initially, the prosecutor offered to put him on probation for 1 year. However, we explained to the prosecutor that this would ruin his career and jeopardize his university job. Ultimately, we were able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the case with the condition that our client take anger management and alcohol classes.
Charge: Two Felony and Two Misdemeanor Possession Charges
Result: All Cases Dismissed
Client was accused of 2 felonies and 2 misdemeanors and a search warrant drug raid in his home. Client was charged with possession of a number of drugs. We were able to show how the client was not involved in any of the drug dealing or drug possession whatsoever based on the schematics of the apartment and photographs of where he was, where the trash can was, and where the drug residue was found. It was a trash can that he did not have access to. All cases were dismissed.
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