What Our Clients Say - Testimonials

Case Outcomes

Charge: Civil Suit - Motion to Designate a Responsible Third Party
Result: Opposing Counsel Conceded

Defendant attempts to drag our corporate client into a multimillion dollar wrongful death suit. After filing a designation to declare our client a responsible third party, we draft a lengthy objection and serve on all parties. Two weeks before the hearing, the opposing counsel conceded that our client was not involved and removed the company from the lawsuit.

Charge: Possession of Marijuana
Result: Case Dismissed

Client was accused of possession of marijuana, and failed to appear in court. He was classified as a fugitive for about a year, was arrested on the warrant, and we were appointed to represent him. When we met with the prosecution, we reviewed the police report and were able to show a number of defects which made the search and arrest of our client illegal. Although the County Attorney was upset that the client had absconded for that length of time, she agreed with the fundamental flaws of the search after reviewing the caselaw we provided. The case was dismissed, and client was released from jail.

Charge: Application to Revoke Probation
Result: Successfully discharged from community supervision

Client was on probation for a DWI charge.  Client was charged with failing to adhere to conditions of probation, specifically, failing to complete community service, failing to pay monthly fees, and failing to report to his probation officer.  We obtained proof of clients fee payments and provided documentation of client’s hospital stay for in-patient treatment for bi-polar disorder and drug abuse which prevented him from meeting with his probation officer.  Client was successfully discharged from community supervision.

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© 2008 Sumpter & Gonzalez , L.L.P., 206 East 9th Street, Suite 1511, Austin, TX 78701 - T: 512- 381-9955 | F: 512-485-3121