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Conditions of Registration

A person who is required to register as a sex offender must provide the following information pursuant to Article 62.051(c):

    1. the person’s full name, each alias, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, hair color, social security number, driver’s license number, shoe size, and home address;
    2. a recent color photograph or, if possible, an electronic digital image of the person and a complete set of the person’s fingerprints;
    3. the type of offense the person was convicted of, the age of the victim, the date of conviction, and the punishment received;
    4. an indication as to whether the person is discharged, paroled, or released on juvenile probation, community supervision, or mandatory supervision;
    5. an indication of each business, occupational, or professional license, certificate, permit, or other authorization issued by a licensing authority that is held or sought by the person;
    6. an indication as to whether the person is or will be employed, carrying on a vocation, or a student at a particular public or private institution of higher education in this state or another state, and the name and address of that institution; and
    7. any other information required by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

This information is considered public information except for the person’s social security number, driver’s license number, telephone number and information that would identify the victim. If additional information is required by DPS under the catchall of Article 62.051(c)(7), it is also considered nonpublic.

A person subject to sex offender registration registers with the local law enforcement authority of the municipality (police station) where he or she resides. If the person does not reside in a city, he registers with the local law enforcement authority of the county (sheriff’s office) where the person resides. Registration must be completed not later than the seventh day after the date the person arrives in the municipality or county or the first date the local law enforcement authority of the municipality or county by policy allows the person to register. Once the person registers with the local law enforcement authority of the municipality or county where s/he resides, that local law enforcement authority becomes the person’s primary registration authority.

If a sex offender resides outside of Texas and works or attends school in Texas, the person registers with the local law enforcement authority of the municipality or county where the offender works or attends school.

Ironically, most law enforcement agencies make it complicated for a person to register. In many jurisdictions a person cannot simply walk in on the last day and register without an appointment. Every local law enforcement authority has different procedures, and unless you are familiar with the local rules, a client may miss the deadline to register even if he started the process within seven days.

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© 2008 Sumpter & Gonzalez , L.L.P., 206 East 9th Street, Suite 1511, Austin, TX 78701 - T: 512- 381-9955 | F: 512-485-3121